Saturday, 28 June 2014

Circular No 660

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 28 of June 2014 No. 660
Dear Friends,
News on David James McLean.  It is good to get the information.
Also, I am including some more information on the Database that Nigel Boos relinquished.
David De Castro
May 22
This email is coming to you because some of you are in it and I think others will enjoy it. Pass it on to others you recognize. Put it in your favourites so you do not lose it. 
Enjoy lots of videos and songs to see.  "THE BANDIT"
Subject: RE: Welcome, David James McLean
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 18:49:56 +0000
Thank you Sir Nigel for this email,
Great work my dear brother, Sir Kazim, excellent news, hope to hear more about David James McLean.   
Cheers Glen.
Subject: Welcome, David James McLean
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 13:41:40 -0500
Well, Kaz,
It looks like you've snared another of our Old Boys, eh? Well done. I'll send him a note and try to establish some sort of communication with him, and introduce him to whatever it is that we're doing at this time.
Thanks again for your good work. I hope that you're slowly getting better.
My sincere good wishes to you and your dear wife.
OK, David,
It's your turn now, so let's begin. First, thank you for contacting us. Kazim has a way with computers which seems to draw the Old Boys of MSB towards his website like bees to nectar.
We've been trying for 13 years to establish contact with as many of the Old Boys of the Abbey School as we can, so it's always nice when a new OB catches up to us. Welcome to the group.
The effort to contact everyone was begun by Ladislao Kertesz (Class of 1960) about the year 2001, and we now have +/- 500 email addresses to be able to contact our friends and classmates. We have a loosely organized association of old friends, and we try to keep in contact with one another via emails, discussions, photographs, reminiscences, ole talk, and occasional reunions in one or other localized place - in Trinidad, in England, in Canada and wherever else 2-3 OB's get together. We also maintain a database with whatever interesting and decent info we have on anyone at all, and this is distributed from time to time via So, as a matter of fact, here is the current file right now:
It would be of interest to many of us, I'm sure, to get some information about you, explaining when you attended MSB, when you left, why you left, what did you do next, whether you're married, any kids, etc., etc., and if you have a nice picture of yourself, hey, we'd post that to the database as well.
Don Mitchell of Anguilla is coordinating a Grand Reunion of the Old Boys of MSB later this year, and should you wish to get involved, I'm sure the fellas would love to have you do so.
That's all for now. If you wish to contact me, my email address is available at the top of this message.
Nigel Boos
Kazim Abasali
Jun 12
Hi Norman,
Thank for expressing your support. I appreciate you and the work you have been doing. 
At present, this is what we have in the MSB Database that describes you:
"Guitarist, musician and film-maker. Leader of "Los Yetis" rock group in Columbia. Scout. Has set up a program for disabled / wounded US vets to learn the art of film-making."
Is there anything you would like to add or take away? I was able to download your selfie photo of your Facebook page. Can you kindly join me on Facebook?  I sent you a friend request.
In addition, do you have a website of your work you will like added to the database? I have now added a website section to our database.
Thank you Norman, blessings to you and family ...... Kazim
Norman Smith
May 23
Thank you all for the incredible service of keeping and sharing our history.
Good luck, Kazim.
All the best,
From: "Don Mitchell" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:31:11 -0400
Can I say that we are agreed with Ron’s offer to provide the jerseys at TT$80, and we sell them for TT$125?
From: "Don Mitchell" <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 09:23:42 -0400
Hello, Justine,
I am hoping that by today we have the information on the rate for the hotel rooms. I am also expecting an estimate of the cost per person for the Luncheon and the Picnic. We need to build in a profit of, say, 50% to help with administrative costs. Ideally, we need to come up with a profit for the Association at the end of the day.
Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 13:56:32 +0000
Hi All,
I offered to provide the polos @80.00, but the retail price of a similar item averages between TT$100/150.If they are sold at 125, the profit to the association will be TT$45.00 each, which should assist in some small way towards offsetting some of the expenses,
Jun 13
I thought that the price was TT$80 each. So when contacted I asked father Harold to save 3 for me [St Laurence XXL] and I got Mrs. Khan to send him a check for $240 TT, I don't think that Father Harold was informed that they were going to be sold for TT$125 and not TT$80 each.
Oh well more water under the bridge, I will go along with whatever you guys decide on this one. But with this one small caveat there are apparently different quality jerseys available, and since this will not only be worn at the reunion but will be a keepsake, I would prefer to obtain the better quality one. If they are more than TT$80/125, I am prepared to pay the difference, you should offer that option.
In fact, and I have communicated this to you before, I would have preferred to get us to decide that each jersey if paid for [extra] have the information of the particular OB, i.e., MSB logo etc. as agreed and "Tony Vieira. Guyana.1964" In green if St Laurence, red if St Anthony, etc.  We are not the graduates of one class at this reunion, which is the usual custom, we are graduates from this institution over decades.  (I don't even remember when we graduated, Don. 1964?)  In green if St Laurence, red if St Anthony etc. Is that too complicated and/or too expensive? I know that we are probably going to have name tags but this way is better for me. We are still quite a good way away from the time when this matter should be addressed, so I was saving these thoughts for when we got the basic arrangements out of the way.
6003 East St. George Sports Event p10
08MP0025MPRGRP.  Group photo

1 comment:

  1. No 660. Nicholas de Verteuil advises that the "unknown" gent in the second photo between Messrs Laquis and Prada is Alex de Verteuil


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